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Kalan Wali
Nestled in the district of Sirsa of Haryana state of India Kalan Wali city has showed a population counting of 25,155.

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Quite a number of towns and cities have flourished in the states of Indian subcontinent. In case of Haryana the same rule is applicable. One such Kalan Wali in Haryana is significant. In fact it is the name of a city . A municipal committee has been set up to administer this Kalan Wali city in Haryana. It has its location in the district of Sirsa of Haryana.

Without acquiring enough information about the demographical traits of a particular town proper identification of it is deficient. To follow this tradition, a number of demographers also have been appointed for organizing extensive surveys and research works. Not only that they also have prepared extensive reports on the basis of the facts that they have collected from these surveys. Most prominent is the Census report that has been brought out in the year 2001. Important data viz. literacy rate, population status etc can also be enumerated from this report. As has been mentioned in the report Kalan Wali has shown a total population counting of 25,155. Just like other Indian places in Kalan Wali also males are more than their female counterparts. To be specific, male populace constitutes 53 %. In comparison female populace is less and thus constitutes 47 %. In Kalan Wali, 13 % of the total population constitutes of children who are below six years of age.

Literacy rate of Kalan Wali acts as vital information about that place. It has been noted that its average literacy rate constitutes 57 %, which is even lower than that of India which comprises of 59.5 %. Just like its population status male literacy also is more than that of females . Thus 63% is Kalan Wali`s male literacy rate. However female literacy rate is only 51 %.

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