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Kaksya Vibhaga
Kaksya Vibhaga is the division of the zones in a stage. The division of the zones can be understood by going round the stage.

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Kaksya Vibhaga is the stage space that denotes areas closer to the centre and those on the periphery and sides. As per the convention of the zone division one is able to know whether the place in which the scene is being depicted is a residential place, a town, a park, a place of recreation, a river, a penance grove a jungle, the earth the ocean, any region of the three worlds, any of the seven Varsas or nine Dvipas, different mountains, Aloka and Loka, Rasatala (the nether world, the abodes of Daityas and serpents.

The Kaksvaparidih should be fixed according to places. The divisions of the Kaksya on the stage should relate to the inside, outside or middle of the location or to a place which is far or near. It is a convention as regards the zonal division that those actors who had entered the stage before are within and those who enter afterwards are outside.

As per the dramatic convention the direction faced by the musical instruments and the green room door is east. In case if an actor has to go out after his performance he can go out by the way through which he had entered. In case later on if anyone has to enter once again he shall make the next exist by the door through which the man who entered later had entered.

An actor walks side by side with his equals and surrounded by the base ones. The handmaids should be directed to go ahead in the stage.

A distant land is indicated by walking over the same place with many circumambulations. Based on the requirements arising from the plot of the drama gods, semi divine beings can be represented moving to cities, forests, seas or mountains through the sky in Vimanas.

When they disguise as human beings they must be represented as moving on the ground in order to be like a man. The Gods and the semi divine beings can have unrestricted movement in Bharata, Haima, Harivarsa, Ilavrta, Kimpurusa or in the northern Kurus. They have free access there. However human movements can be displayed only in Bharata.

If a person has to go to a distant place on some purpose the act is closed at the time of his departure and his journey is indicated in interlude. The achievement of the object is represented after traversing. When the purpose is not served the act is closed. While pursuing the main plot of the play a moment, a Muhurta, a Yama and a day are to be represented in the course of a single act through the incidents.

The incidents during a month or a year need to be represented before closing the act. Events that take place after a year should be put in the next Act. Therefore the Kaksyas need to be represented in the Bharatavarsa that is based on human movement.

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