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Kailash Pandya
Kailash Pandya is a Gujarati director and actor.

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Kailash Pandya is a Gujarati director as well as a good actor. He was born in Bhavnagar in 1923. He worked with the Bombay branch of the Indian People`s Theatre Association during 1943-8 with Natmandal at Ahmadabad. He also worked briefly in the Asian Theatre Institute in New Delhi in 1958, which became the National School of Drama, before heading the theatre department at Darpana Academy, Ahmadabad. Kailash Pandya was a director of varied interests, staging Bhasa to Tagore, Gogol to Brecht. He is particularly keen on folk traditions, having studied Kathakali under V. Kunchu Nair and Bhavai under Chimanlal Naik. He has experimented extensively with Bhavai in his productions.

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