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Indian National Theatre
Indian National Theatre was a multilingual theatre group founded in Bombay in 1944.

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P. L. Deshpande`s Batatyachi chal  - Indian National Theatre, Indian Theatre GroupIndian National Theatre popularly known as INT was a multilingual theatre group founded in Bombay. This association was founded in 1944, which was credited as the foremost troupe of actors and directors in Gujarati theatre of the last half-century. Beginning with performances of dance-dramas on two lorries that provided an improvised stage and traveled throughout Bombay province, the INT attracted talents like C. C. Mehta, Adi Marzban, Damu Jhaveri, Pravin and Sarita Joshi for both experimental and commercial theatre. Its most notable productions include the modern dance-dramas Discovery of India and Dekh teri Bambai i.e. `Look at Your Bombay`. The Gujarati plays Jesal Toral i.e. `Jesal and Toral`, Moti veranan chokman i.e `Pearls Scattered in the Yard`, and Santu rangili i.e. `Enchanting Santu`, Marathi drama like P. L. Deshpande`s Batatyachi chal i.e. `Potato Chawl`, Tendulkar`s Kanyadan and Kondu, and children`s plays like Chhako Mako and Bakor Patel all were important. The INT is involved in folk-theatre research supervised by stage craftsman Mansukh Joshi, and is constructing two cultural complexes in Gujarat and Maharashtra for research, training, and documentation in performing arts. Although in the forefront of Bombay`s Gujarati commercial theatre, the INT also trained young actor-directors, offering a platform to them later in their practical activities.

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