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Importance of Spine in Massage
Spine plays a major role in massage, which cures several diseases in the human body.

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Importance of Spine in Massage, Body MassageMassage has been a great therapy and remedy for relieving several problems in the human body since ages. In modern days, massage is highly recommended by every doctor. And spine is the prime part of the body massage which plays the key role to provide relaxation to the body. Spine is the base of youth and glamour for the massager, who can do many changes in the body chemistry and release all tensions from the body by the spinal massage.

Importance of Spine in Human Body
Human spine is the seat of miracles. Yoga and Tantra provide several descriptions of the Kundalini, the serpent power, which deals with the spine. The spine is the seat of all chakras and the psychic centers; and the central nervous system also works through the spine. If the spine is properly aligned and strong, life force will flow in the body for longer duration. Then a man will think right, act right and lead an energetic life. The spinal fluid is also one of the important factors in maintaining health, vitality and virility. So, massaging only the spine should also not be done as it causes certain psychic disorders. If one sits with his spine erect he is least affected by the gravitational force.

Massage of the Spine
The main work of a massager is to massage the spine with medium to light pressure by the thumbs; sometimes fingertips and wrists may also be used, but the thumbs work best for giving continuous massage on the spine. The massage should be started from the base of the spine and then moves upwards. The middle part of the spine should be aligned with little pressure. Massage should be given on both sides of the spine with both the thumbs. This massage on the spine helps to reduce stiffness on the back and the chances of the disorders in kidneys, liver, stomach, lungs or brain.

Benefits of Massage in Spine There are several benefits of massage in spine, which are:

Spinal massage helps in circulating the vital life fluid in the spine.
It helps to keep the spine in proper shape.
It helps to reduce stiffness on the back.
It reduces the chances of several diseases in kidneys, liver, stomach, lungs or brain.
It also decreases the lower back pain.
It helps to reduce anxiety and depression.
It stimulates the blood circulation to provide oxygen-rich blood and nutrients to the muscles and major organs of the body.

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