The Atharva Veda is the locus for magic spells, but in the later parts of the Rig Veda also contains many imprecations. The hymns on the Healing Plants say that the healing plants which cure the sickness of the sick is praised and the doctor blesses the patient whose sickness is to be cured. The healing herbs are known as a healer, a slayer of demons and an expeller of diseases.
It is believed the healing herbs give strength, is the heightener of strength and they have stretched out in nature in order to promote the health of men. The hymns say that health is the wealth of human life and the healing herbs have the capacity to take care of this particular human wealth. It is said that mother of the healing herbs are known as Reviver. They have the capacity to restore any kind of injuries. They have the capacity to drive away all kinds of wounds that are present within the body.
The hymn sings that the life of the disease vanishes just as a prey vanishes before the hunter gets hold of it. Rather it can be said that with the help of healing herbs diseases vanishes within no time. A prayer through the hymns says that those that bear fruit and those without fruit, those without flower and those that bear flowers, sent by Brhaspati should have the capacity to ward off all kinds of anguish from mankind. The healing herbs should also free an individual from the effects of curse.
It has been proclaimed in the Rig Vedic hymns dedicated to the healing plants that the healing herbs should also have the capacity to ward of all offences of the god especially from the offences that comes from Lord Yama and Lord Varuna. It says that the healing plants have promised its worshippers that no harm should befall on them.
According to the hymns dedicated to the healing herbs it has been said that Soma is the king among them all and the powers of all the other plants have been united within the Soma plant which in turn transfers its energy to mankind of this universe. The hymns in its verses have also asked protection for all the other creatures of the universe including the four-footed creatures.
Finally the hymns end saying that all plants which exist and the plants which have gone should transfer their supreme energy to Soma. Soma has been called the ruler with all the other plants as its subjects. It has also been said that men who try to injure the plants should be made subjects of those healing plants forever.