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Homeopathy for Abdominal pain
Homeopathic remedies for abdominal pain are soothing both to children and adults. There is no single homeopathic cure for stomach pain since tummy troubles can be caused by a host of different things.

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Homeopathy for Abdominal painA pain, which is sudden, agonizing, and also gripping, that kind of pain in the abdomen is called abdominal colic. It is accompanied with intense spasmodic cramping. Abdominal discomfort appears to be the cause of colicky babies` suffering-but, since babies are too young to talk, it is hard to know exactly what distresses them.

Homeopathic Medicines for Abdominal Pain:
Colocynth 30: When the pain in the abdomen is very severe and also agonizing, especially in the evening from 4 to 9 p.m. The pain comes in paroxysms, becoming so terrible every few minutes that the patient bends forward and twists and turns in bed to get relief. Discharge of gas, either from the mouth or the anus, relieves pain. In all these symptoms the medicine named Colocynth 30 is important.

Dioscorea 30: Violent colic due to indigestion, occurring in regular paroxysms, as if the intestines were grasped and twisted by a powerful hand. Pain gets worse from bending double or lying down but becomes less on standing erect or bending backward. When these symptoms are seen in any individual, he or she should be treated with the medicine named Dioscorea 30.

Mag phos 30: The medicine Mag phos 30 is used in the case when the symptoms are similar to severe, unbearable pain in the abdomen that comes in paroxysmal attacks. The pain compels the victim to loosen clothes and bend forward. Pressing or massaging the abdomen or applying heat to the abdomen relieves pain. Discharge of gas does not relieve pain.

Mag phos should be used when Colocynth fails to relieve abdominal pain.

Plumbum 30: Excessive pain in the abdomen from indigestion and obstinate constipation are the symptoms that require the use of the medicine Plumbum 30. The pain starts at the navel and then spreads in all directions. The victim feels that the stomach or abdominal wall is being pulled by a string towards the backbone.

Nux vomica: This is helpful for tense and impatient people when colicky pains result from overeating or from overindulgence in coffee, alcohol. The abdomen feels tight, and constricting pains press upward, making breathing difficult. Warm applications and warm drinks may bring relief.

Cuprum metallicum: If intense abdominal pain with violent spasms and cramping occurs at intervals, this may give relief. The abdomen feels tender, tight, and hot, and drinking cold water may bring improvement. Patient`s face may look extremely tense, or even contorted, with pain.

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