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Homeopathy in india
Homeopathy in India is a system of medicine which is affordable for all.

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Homeopathy in indiaHomeopathy in India flourished right from 1810 when this alternative medicine was introduced by German doctors and missionaries. The ideological basis of Homoeopathy appealed to Indian doctors, and it did not take long for India to imbibe this unique medical system.

A medical approach to Homeopathy would define it as the art and the science of healing the sick by using substances capable of causing the same symptoms, syndromes and conditions when administered to healthy people. It is mainly a therapeutic cure based on nature`s fundamental laws brought into practice to heal the patients by its holistic touch. Also known as the traditional Indian medicine, homeopathy is based on "the Law of Similars". The truth of this law has been verified experimentally and clinically for the last 200 years.

A peep into the history of homeopathy would lead one to Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of this holistic science. He was an Allopathic M.D. physician by profession and a researcher in medicine. The elements of homeopathy lie in its use to treat acute conditions for the patients that need a complete recovery. It also enhances the mind-body connection and also treatment for some chronic conditions. And according to the diagnosis and the treatment procedure, the homeopathic practitioners treat the person who is sick and not the body parts. They believe in curing the individual not parts by parts. Thus, in homeopathic treatment different persons with the same disease may not get the same medicine. The practitioner decides the remedy based on the individual.

Homeopathy in India is an answer to several malignant diseases, including cancer and AIDS. Apart from these chronic diseases like arthritis, asthma, skin disorders and others can also be cured with the aid of homeopathic medicines. For years several myths about homeopathy misled people. However with time these myths were dispelled and today homeopathy in contemporary India is one of the most popular ways of treatment. To achieve this end numerous Indian homeopathic practitioners have laboured hard. Eminent doctors in this field include the likes of Dr. Pratap Chandra Majumdar, Dr. Rajendra Lal Dutt, Dr. Diwan Jai Chand and others.

A host of homeopathic colleges in India ensure that there is no dearth of proper treatment in this medical field in the subcontinent. A helping hand from the Indian government is also engaged in boosting the position of the of homeopathic colleges in India Apart from the hospitals a number of clinics have also mushroomed in all parts of the nation.

It is very simple to understand the benefits of homeopathy as it is very low in cost and it has no side effects. Because of these factors homeopathy in India has gained much popularity. To put it briefly Homeopathy is well suited for the people of India, in order to cure various ailments, as the concepts and principles of homeopathy offer simple remedies to chronic ailments.

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