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Homeopathy for Flatulence
Flatulence can be best treated through homeopathic treatment. There are some common homeopathic remedies for chronic flatulence.

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Homeopathy for FlatulenceGases are formed in the intestines from decomposition of stagnated faeces. It is the expulsion through rectum of a mixture of gases that are by-products of the digestion process.

Treatment of Flatulence
In homeopathy there are several treatments for the disease called flatulence. Some of them can be mentioned below.

Aloe 30: The abdomen is distended with gas, causing a feeling of fullness and pain with rumbling and gurgling. The victim fears that stools will escape with gas and, therefore, hurries to the lavatory. The escaping gas is very offensive and causes burning of the anus. When all these symptoms are present, the victim should take the medicine.

Arg nit 30: in a case when the abdomen is so full with gas, that the patient feels it will burst. There is a lot of belching which gradually relieves discomfort. There is a craving for salt and sweets as well.

Carbo veg 30: Excessive accumulation of gas in the upper abdomen, the victim feeling that the abdomen will burst. Soon the whole body is covered with cold sweat. Belching and expulsion of gas from the anus gradually relieve the discomfort. All tehse symptoms genuinely need the use of the medicine Carbo veg.

China 30: The whole abdomen feels full of gas, which causes pressure and pain. The victim bends forward and gives hard pressure on the abdomen. This causes belching but the discomfort is not relieved thereby. These are symptoms of using the medicine China 30.

Lycopodium 30: Severe accumulation of gas in the lower abdomen especially in the evening with loud rumbling noise. There is constant sour belching and passing of flatus but the discomfort is not relieved. The person feels hungry but only a few morsels fill up the stomach. There is a desire for sweets and warm foods or drinks. All these require the use of the medicine Lycopodium.

Nux m 30: Abdomen is enormously distended with gas, especially after each meal. Eating even a little in excess brings on the problem. Drowsiness and thirstlessness are other features of this remedy. For all these sy6mptoms Nux m is required.

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