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Homeopathy for Bronchitis
Homeopathic treatment is suggested for all forms and stages of Bronchitis. This treatment helps in relieving cough as well as treating the tendency to catch cold.

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Homeopathy for BronchitisBronchitis means an inflammation of the bronchus, the windpipe. It is caused by infection (viral, bacterial, fungal, etc) or allergy or both. Cough is the chief symptom of most respiratory diseases. It is nature`s method of expelling out any offending matter that is present in the respiratory tract. Since it is a protective reflex, it should not be suppressed with cough syrups.

Several treatments are there for such kind of disease but the thing is that the medicine should properly match with the symptoms.

Aconite 30: sudden and acute attack of cough from exposure to dry, cold air. The cough is usually dry, painful and comes in short bouts, the person grasping the throat while coughing. The cough is worse during expiration, at night and from tobacco smoke but lessens in open air. There is inexplicable restlessness, anguish and fear and unquenchable thirst for cold water. All these symptoms are very common for using the medicine Aconite 30.

Belladonna 30: Sudden, violent attack of dry cough, which comes in short bouts and causes redness of the face, a sensation of constriction in the throat, the cough is worse when lying down at night. These symptoms require urgent need of the said medicine. The dry cough usually disturbs sleep, it lessens with warm drinks and in a warm room, and there is a dislike for open air also.

Bryonia 30: Dry, and painful cough of gradual onset, in hot weather i.e. summer, the cough and the consequent pains in the throat and the chest are worse from the slightest motion. Therefore the person lies still and holds the chest when coughing, excessive dryness of the mouth and the throat, causing acute thirst and the intestine, causing constipation. These symptoms are usually affirms the consumption of the medicine Bryonia 30.

Drosera 30: The symptoms that confirm the use of medicine Drosera 30 can be mentioned as violent, dry, whooping cough in young persons, bouts of cough follow each other so rapidly that the child gets breathless, turns blue and sweats profusely. Sensation of a feather in the throat that excites cough, the cough is worse from talking, singing, when lying down. These can be said as the other symptoms. At night; the person desires to be in open air.

Hepar sulph 30: Dry, hoarse cough from exposure to dry and cold air, causing suffocation and perspiration, a sensation of splinter in the throat, the person is highly chilly, keeping himself covered with warm clothes, uncovering the body excites an attack of cough, the cough is worse in the morning or from cold foods or drinks. At the time when all these symptoms are prominent in one`s body the patient should take the medicine Hepar sulph 30.

Ipecacuanha 30: when the person is suffering from various problems such as dry cough with wheezing and rattling in the chest and accompanied by nausea and vomiting, a bout of vomiting does not relieve nausea, long bouts of cough render the person breathless and blue in face, cough is worse in cold, dry weather i.e. winter but improves by warmth, and thirstlessness. At that point of time the patient should use Ipecacuanha 30

Kali bich 30: Violent cough in summer with gagging and vomiting, cough brings out tough, tenacious, stringy, yellow mucous, wandering, painful spots in the chest that can be covered by tip of a finger, the cough is worse in the morning, while sitting but is relieved on lying down or by inhaling steam. These symptoms can be mentioned for using the medicine Kali bich 30.

Mercurius sol 30: Cough in warm, damp weather, which is dry at night but brings out greenish yellow mucous during the day; the cough is worse at night, especially when lying on the right side, trembling of the whole body, profuse offensive perspiration and intense thirst for cold water are other symptoms that confirm the choice of Mercurius.

Phosphorus 30: Hard, dry and painful cough that shakes the whole body and brings a sensation of tightness in the chest, a bout of cough is excited by talking, laughing, drinking or lying on the left side, cough becomes less after sleep and from consuming cold drinks, tall, lean, narrow chest and stoop-shouldered person become oversensitive to the environment. After seeing the symptoms anyone should make the choice of Phosphorus 30.

Pulsatilla 30: Cough that is dry and painful at night compelling the person to sit up but brings out thick, bitter, yellowish green mucous in the morning, cough is usually worse when lying on the left side but better in open air and by consuming cold drinks, mild, weeping nature and thirstlessness confirm the choice of Pulsatilla.

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