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Homeopathy - Traditional Indian Medicine
Homeopathy, the traditional Indian medicine is a system of medicine that is based on the Law of Similars.

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Homeopathy is the art and the science of healing the sick by using substances capable of causing the same symptoms, syndromes and conditions when administered to healthy people. It is mainly a therapeutic cure based on nature`s fundamental laws brought into practice to heal the patients by its holistic touch. It is the most mild and harmless way of curing the disease permanently. Also known as the traditional Indian medicine, homeopathy is based on "the law of similars". The truth of this law has been verified experimentally and clinically for the last 200 years.

The founder of homeopathy was Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, an Allopathic M.D. physician by profession and a researcher in medicine. The elements of homeopathy lie in its use to treat acute conditions for the patients that need a complete recovery. It also enhances the mind-body connection and also treatment for some chronic conditions. Diagnosis and treatment in homeopathy lies in the holistic and individual approach. And according to it homeopathic practitioners treat the person who is sick and not the body parts. They believe in curing the individual not parts by parts. Thus, in homeopathic treatment different persons with the same disease may not get the same medicine. The practitioner decides the remedy based on the individual.

The homeopathic cures for asthma, cancer and AIDS are really remarkable. The homeopathy now a days are very popular among these dreaded diseases where the allopathic doctors also can do nothing. Whereas the homeopathic doctors use software for the purpose to get `Quik Repertorisation`, `Intelligent Search`, `Advanced search options`, `Confirmation of symptom`, `Quick Search`, `Creation of Custom repertories`, `Group symptoms` and many more and thus enhance the treatment. This is the recent development of homeopathy.

There are many diseases for which homeopathy is really doing a wonder like stress management, back pain, headache, chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes, intestinal worms, insomnia and many more. These kind of diseases often loss attention of the victims and thus can resulted into a disaster. Homeopathy helps us to cure these diseases from the root and thus helping us in a great way.

There are some common homeopathic medicines, which are often used in regular life. These are as follows: arnica, lycopodium, silica, nux vomica, ignatia, etc. Homeopathic practitioners who are very famous and well known in India were Bholanath Chakraborty, Rajan Sankaran, etc. In recent days P.Banerjee, Dr. Jugal Kishore, Dr. D.P. Rastogi, Dr. Kishore Mehta, Dr. Farokh Master, Dr. Ramjee Singh are some of the known doctors.

Three basic principles summarized Hahnemann`s experiences:

•A remedy in large doses that causes the symptoms of a disease will, in small doses, cure that disease.

•Extreme dilution enhances a remedy`s therapeutic properties while eliminating toxic side effects.

•Homeopathic remedies are prescribed only after a proper study of an individual.

Homeopathy essentially is a natural therapy that stimulates the body`s own immune system to fight illness and allow the symptoms of a disease to disperse. All homeopathic formulations are of plant, animal or mineral origin. Some common homeopathic medicines are derived from plants such as belladonna, arnica, and chamomile; minerals such as mercury and sulfur; animal products like sepia and lachesis or snake venom; and, rarely, biochemical substances such as histamine or human growth factor.

It is very simple to understand the value of homeopathy as it is very low in cost and it has no side effects. Because of it`s these natures it has gained so much of popularity. Another value is it can work as chronical remedy. That means the diseases, which are chronic, like acidity, intestinal worm, insomnia, etc. can be cured through homeopathy. As a whole we can say homeopathy is a very slow kind of treatment, which work in our body very smoothly without leaving any mark.

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