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Hectic Fever or Pralepaka Jwara
Hectic fever is known as Pralepaka Jwara in Ayurveda and generally appears in the evening.

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Hectic Fever or Pralepaka JwaraHectic fever is known as Pralepaka Jwara in Ayurveda. This is a variation of fever.

Causes and Symptoms: Hectic fever may occur in certain severe forms of tuberculosis or septicemia. It is mild in intensity and very often appears in the evening. It ranges between 39°C and 40°C and falls to normal at night, and, sometimes, also below normal. There is also profuse sweating accompanied by extreme weakness and even prostration in this type of fever.

Diet and Other Regimen: The patient may be given a normal diet depending upon his appetite. Generally hard-to-digest foods, fatty substances, and those, which are likely to lead to constipation, should be avoided. The patient should not be exposed to draughts.

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