Harshal has become an important subject of palmistry, in the present days. The palmists have made a prolonged and thorough study of the planet called Harshal and considered it of enough importance in judging the future and the traits of the respective human beings. In fact this planet is more powerful and exerts more influence in comparison with other planets. It has its area of influence on the palm between the Heart and Headlines. Its area of influence can be clearly seen a little below the little finger and the mount of Mercury.
This planet specially influences the heart and brain. A man having this mount below the mount of Mercury and between the heart and headlines then such a person becomes a successful scientist or mathematician. Such persons with Harshal on the palm become quite successful in making atoms, molecules, televisions and other intricate instruments. If this mount is less prominent, then such a person takes interest in works connected with machines and attains satisfaction by serving in this line of work.
The planet of Harshal is significant enough in the science of palmistry. Moreover the signs and the characters imprinted on the mount of Harshal are considered of enough importance. Person makes wonderful advancement and gains worldwide fame and respect if there is triangular or square sign on this mount. He is highly respected in society and gets more success in life than expected. A person becomes famous throughout the world if a line comes from Harshal and goes towards the fingers of Apollo. In case the mount of Harshal leaning towards the mount of Mars, the person makes misuse of his genius and in a way he becomes an international swindler or plunderer. Such person remains constantly sick with heart trouble. If the mount of Harshal is seen leaning towards the mount of Neptune, the person is completely indulgent and goes on chasing other women and is not satisfied with his wife. Such people often indulge in the illicit relationship. In a way his family life gets spoiled and he has no love for his children and wife. He loses his health and beauty by being too indulgent in life.
The Mount of Harshal is getting importance in the Indian science of palmistry gradually. The eminent palmists often considered it important, while studying the hand of the respective individual.
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