The district of Hamirpur is the smallest district in Himachal Pradesh and is also known as the "Martyr"s Land" or the Veer Bhumi. It is the most educated district of Himachal and has the highest density of roads amongst all districts in India. The city of Hamirpur was established in the name of King Hamir Chand, who ruled from 1700 to 1740 AD.
Demographics of Hamirpur
As per the reports provided by the Census India 2011, the total population of Hamirpur is 116,948 out of which 49&perct; are male and 51% are female. The total number of employed people are 63,704 out of which, 32,015 are male while 31,659 are female. Hamirpur has the highest literacy rate in the Himachal region with a rate of almost 90%. The city has a total of 27,322 households out of which 84% are in the rural area while 16% is in the urban area.
Climate of Hamirpur
The climate in Hamirpur is generally of temperate type. When compared to winter, the summers here receive way more rainfall. The average annual temperature is 26° C and Hamirpur receive an average of 916 mm of rainfall annually. The precipitation reaches its peak in the month of August with an average of 336 mm, while the lowest is in the month of November. The month of May is the hottest month in the year while at an average of 16° C, January is the coldest month of the year. Between the driest and wettest months, the difference in precipitation is 335 mm and the variation in annual temperature is around 18° C.
Places of attraction in Hamirpur
The city of Hamirpur has been established as an education hub in the state. Excellent educational institutions like the Himachal Pradesh Technical University, Dr. Radha Krishnan Government Medical College, National Institute of Technology, Institute of Hotel Management, College of Horticulture and Forestry, etc are established here. Apart from the educational centres, there are also a few temples in and around the city of Hamirpur. Listed below are few:
Deotsidh Temple: This cave temple of Baba Balak Nath is the biggest shrine in the Barsar tehsil of the district. Situated on the Deotsidh Dhar Range in the Shivalik Range, the Baba Balak Nath temple stretches across 44 km from Harimpur. Devotees throng to this temple all year round and especially during the festival of Chaitra Mela Shri Sidh Baba Balak Nath Ji, which is held for over a month. The government makes arrangements for stays in tented colonies and provides basic amenities like water, toilet and other essential services.
Another temple which is also a tourist attraction is the Gasoteshwar Mahadev Temple situated in the village of Gasota, which is already famous for Lord Shiva temples. This temple was built by the Pandavas and is 7 km from the district town of Hamirpur.
Visiting Information on Hamirpur
There is no direct railway service to this town. The nearest railway station is Una which is about 80 km from Hamirpur and then there is the AMB railway station which is 70 km away from the Hamirpur town. The Kangra Airport is the closest to Hamirpur at a fair distance of 83 km.