Hakim Fathullah Gilani was a well known physician who came to Indian during the reign of Akbar. He was the son of Hakim Lutfullah Gilani. Regarded as a great physician, Gilani followed the profession of his forefathers and attained proficiency in the field of medicine. Besides this he also had knowledge about astronomy. Hakim Fathullah Gilani also served as a physician in the court of Jahangir. The emperor held him in high esteem and considered him as an important courtier and physician. With his expertise he rose to a high rank.
Hakim Fathullah Gilani had translated the Al-Qanun of Ibn Sina into Persian language. It was later published in India. One of the manuscripts is still extant in India. He achieved great reputation during his stay in India. Later he went back to his country where he is said to have ended his life.
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