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Garia Festival
Garia Puja is an Indian tribal festival held in the tribal belt of Tripura. It is celebrated as one of the harvest festivals of the ethnic tribes.

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Garia Puja or Garia Festival is the divine offering done by the tribal people of Tripura. It is held on the seventh day of the month of April. Garia is a popular deity whom the Reangs pay reverences in every year in the Chaitra-sankranti day, which lasts for seven days up to the sixth Vaisakh.

Garia Festival, Indian Tribal Festival Reangs in Garia Festival
The deities of the Reangs have no anthropomorphic forms. A green bamboo pole in height is decorated with the floral designs around it. It is tied by the threads of white and black coloured cotton.

A garland of cotton also is hung at the top of the pole, which is planted in the ground when a banana leaf is placed in front of it. Chanting the mantras the Aouchai sacrifices the fowls and eggs along with the fruits. At last wine is served to the deity. It has been found that the symbol of the deity is carried from the house to house by a good number of devotees on request. The members of the caring party of the Garia begin to sing and dance with the sound of drum rhythmically.

The songs are more or less erotic in character, but it is known from the song that the blessings of the day deity is necessary to relief the sufferings and to increase the production of crops. The Reangs believe that Garia is the deity who gives wealth, strength and children.

Occurrence of Garia Puja
Garia Puja is a divine offering done by the tribes of the state of Tripura. It is held on the seventh day of the month of April.

Garia Festival as a Harvest Festival
Garia festival is celebrated as a harvest festival by the ethnic tribes and celebrations begin from last day of March-April. This festival is celebrated in a traditional way by the people of Tripura and celebrated throughout the state with a lot of splendour and joy.

Fest in Garia Festival
The children and youth play drums, sing and dance in front of Lord Garia. They do this to please the deity.

Deity of Garia Festival
People from all the communities seek the blessing of Lord Garia. The divine offering is mainly conducted by Jhumias. A bamboo pole is worshipped with flowers and garlands by the tribals which symbolizes the Lord Garia.

Ingredients in Garia Festival
There are various ingredients which are used while conducting the Garia Puja. The ingredients used in the Puja are fowl chick, cotton thread, rice, eggs, riccha, rice beer and earthen pots. An important part of the Puja is sacrificing a fowl and offering the blood to the deity.

Activities in Garia Festival
This activity of Garia Festival is done to please the deity and to seek his blessings. God Garia is worshipped so as to bestow the people with domestic animals, peace, children and wealth. The divine offering is held to seek blessings.

Sacrifices in Garia Puja
The sacrifice of cocks is an important feature and other important feature is dancing and rejoicing after the Puja. Garia dance is performed by the Tripuris and the Reangs.

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