Galageshwara Temple consists of a huge Shiva Linga in a closed hall. It is known as Sparsha linga. It has an unusual pyramidal basement and a large open hall. The Gopura or the tower is decorated with plain architectural element while the wall panels of the back of the hall have some fine decorations. The interior has several niches containing figural sculpture including Lord Ganesha.
A large inscription indicates the temple was built in the eleventh century by Chalukya King Vikramaditya. Earlier it was called Palluni. The inscription also informs about the prevalence of tradition of dance and music. It was built by the Chalukyas and hence has elaborate structures, ornate sculptures and intricate carvings. The Late Sri Venkatesh Galaganath, also known as Kadambari Pitamaha is beleived to have worshipped Lord Shiva here. It is beleived that he wrote his books when sitting in the temple courtyard and so the deity came to be called Galageshwara and the name was changed from Palluni to Galageshwara.
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