Hand is the significant part of the science of palmistry. The palmists have considered the structure and formation of hand of worth importance in order to detect the temperamental and behavioral aspects of respective individual. The formation of hand, depends upon the construction of the bones of the palm. The heaviness or thinness of bones also determines the formation of hand. On the basis of formation, hands can be categorized into seven forms - Primary Hand, Square Hand, Workman`s Hand, Philosopher`s Hand, Artist Hand, Ideal Hand, Mixed Hand. The uniqueness of these hands can be understood only by a thorough analysis of all these hands.
The Primary hand, Indian Palmistry: On the basis of formation, the first quality is the primary hand. The primary hand is commonly coarse, heavy and fatty in its form. The primary hands in its formation are unsymmetrical and ugly. The fingers of the people having primary hands are appeared to be unsymmetrical.
The Psychic Hand, Indian Palmistry
This type of hand is said to be the rarest and the most beautiful type of hands. This type of hand has long shape, narrow and fragile, slender with tapering fingers and possess long nails. A person with psychic hand generally becomes very sensitive and intuitive.
The Artistic Hand, Indian Palmistry
A person with this shape of hand has smooth fingers and the nailed phalanges take the form of the cones or of elongated thimbles. These persons are keen in plastic arts, painting, sculpture, monumental architecture, poetry of the imagination and of the senses. They also become romantic, desire social independence, enthusiastic and love fantasy.
The Square Hand, Indian Palmistry
According to palmistry, the square shaped hands are of medium size, but large rather than small. These types of hand have knotty fingers, square nailed phalanges, a large thumb, a well-developed Mount of Venus and a firm medium-sized palm. A person with square shape of hand possesses a sign of perseverance, practicality, punctuality and a respect for society and the law.
The Necessary Hand, Indian Palmistry
People with this type of hand are not inclined to art or poetry, they have very little instinct and thus they become morally unstable. The necessary hands are seen with nailed phalanges of whose fingers look like a flattened out spatula. The size of this type of hands is generally large. These people attach themselves to a country for the material benefits. They like manual labour and it is the same with all kinds of active exercise for them. They keep nagging for the absence of the necessaries of life but not from the absence of the surplus, as they are hardly slightly sensual for them.
The Philosophic Hand, Indian Palmistry
Those who possess philosophical hand are said to be very thoughtful and analytical in nature. This type of hand are long and angular shaped and have bony fingers, developed joints and long nails. Their fingertips are spatula shaped and the fingers are conical shaped. Again, among them, those possess square fingertips, are generally inclined towards social utility. They possess average and practical ideas.
The Elementary Hand, Indian Palmistry
An individual with this type of hand has very little mental capacity but they have brute force. These hands look very coarse and clumsy. The elementary hands have large, thick, heavy palm, short fingers and short nails, and very few lines on the palm. People with this shape of hands are less interested towards spiritual world and they have little or no control over their passions.
The Brutal Murders Hand, Indian Palmistry
This type of hands are usually thick, possess heavy Palm, reddish in tint, and broader than the average. The brutal murders hand has short awkward and stiff fingers. Their fingers are generally curved and looks like a spatula. A survey by Indian palmists has revealed that most of the murderers and violent criminals have this type of hands. The fingers of this type of hands have no knots; the second joint may be clumsy and thick. Their thumb is `clubbed` with first phalanx and a second phalanx looks very much undersized.
The Congenital Idiots Hand, Indian Palmistry
This type of hands are generally thick, soft, fingers are longer and generally narrow. The narrowness is said to increase due the position of the thumb. The thumb is set very high and only half detached from the side of the hand. Those possess this shape of hands are said to be more deteriorated than the elementary hands. These people are considered below criminal, habitual idiot and said to possess half-developed brain. These hands have so bad shape that often they are called crippled. The fingers are hardly more than one-half the normal size, the phalanges are twisted and their tips are rounded and shapeless.
The Mixed Hand, Indian Palmistry
This type of hand cannot be described particularly like any other above types as they belong to many types. They often look like one pointed, one square, one spatulate, one philosophic etc. So, it is very tough to explain their shape. An individual with this type of hands is said to be clever, full of ideas and versatility. Such persons are adaptable to both people and circumstances but inconsistent in application of his talents
The Woman`s Hand, Indian Palmistry
According to some of the Indian palmists, only the left hand of the females and right hand of the males should be taken into consideration for palm reading. It is said that the tendencies of each type of hands among women are the same as they are among men. But it is little different to the spatulate and square types and these are much less intense among women due to the suppleness of their muscles, than they are among men.
Square Hand, Indian Palmistry | Mixed Hand, Indian Palmistry | Artistic Hand, Indian Palmistry | Workman"s hand |
Primary hand, Indian Palmistry | Philosophic Hand, Indian Palmistry | Ideal Hand |