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Economy of Narmada District
Economy of Narmada District, in the state of Gujarat, is predominantly reliant on agricultural products. Small scale industries also contribute a lot in the district`s economy.

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Economy of Narmada DistrictEconomy of Narmada District in Gujarat state is primarily agrarian. A major stratum of population is reliant upon agriculture for their source of revenue. Production of banana and cotton are the most important horticulture crops in the district. Industries such as textiles, sugar, and chemicals observed major investments and considerable growth during the past two decades. Over eight hundred and sixty Small Scale Industries (SSIs), engaged in repair and services, paper, wood products, and food products are present in the district of which over three hundred and ninety units are present in Nandod taluka.

Most important crops produced in the district are mango, banana, cucurbits and cotton. Narmada district is one of the principal producers of banana, cotton and cucurbits in the state of Gujarat. Over 840 SSIs are present in the repair and services, providing maximum number of employment. Maximum units (398) with an investment of INR 103.36 lakh (USD 0.25 million), and employment (459 persons) are observed in Nandod taluka.
Economy of Narmada District
Agriculture provides the maximum prospect to generate sustainable livelihood and employment for the villagers. Industry sectors such as textiles, food products, wood and rubber products and repair and servicing are the supporting pillars of the district financial system. The district is a home to some of the major tourist destinations such as, Shoolpaneshwar Wildlife Sanctuary and Temple and Rajwant Palace, which accounts for a healthy influx of tourists. Narmada houses Herbal Botanical Garden, consisting of almost seventy species of herbal plants, which are used for the Ayurvedic and natural therapy of treatment, and also helps in increasing medical value travel in the district.

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