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Earache may occur due to acute inflammation in the middle ear. It may occur in both children and adult.

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Earache, NaturopathyEarache is a very common auditory affliction for both children and adults. The pain from earache can be constant or it may come and go. It can feel like a burning sensation or a sharp, or dull, pain. It can affect both ears at once or just one ear. Ear pain in adults is less likely to be from an ear infection.

Symptoms of Earache
Earaches can develop from ear infections or injury. Some of the symptoms of earache include:
Babies may appear crying and irritable
Children may pull, tug or rub the ear
Loss of appetite in children
Sleep problems and restlessness at night
Cough and runny nose
Hearing problems
Balance problems

Causes of Earache
Earache may be due to acute inflammation in the middle ear, but may also be due to chronic inflammation, ear infections, glue ear, ear damage, earwax, etc. Pain in this region may also occur due to throat infections, jaw problems and decay in a tooth. The two most common conditions that cause earaches are infection of the outer ear i.e. Otitis Externa and infection of the middle ear i.e. Otitis Media.

Treatment of Earache
Earache should be treated in consultation with a physician. However, most ear pain clears up on its own without any treatment. According to the cause of the ache, the treatment of earache varies. But the pain is generally removed by application of heat. In some cases, heated mustard oil might suffice. But if a pod of garlic is burnt in a spoonful of any edible oil, allowed to cool sufficiently, and then dropped into the affected ear and plugged with a piece of cotton, the pain will subside. Saline gargles are recommended twice daily.

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