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Dysuria or Mutrakrichha
Dysuria or Mutrakrichha is a condition in which urine is expelled painfully and in small amounts every time.

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Dysuria or Mutrakrichha, Urinary DisordersDysuria or Mutrakrichha is a condition in which urine is expelled painfully and in small amounts every time. This is typically described to be a burning or stinging sensation. Most often it is a result of an infection of the urinary tract. It may also be due to an STD, bladder stones, bladder tumours, and virtually any condition of the prostate. It can also occur as a side effect of anticholinergic medication used for Parkinson`s disease. It is one of a constellation of irritative bladder symptoms, which includes frequency of urination and haematuria.

In women, dysuria may also reflect inflammation of the vagina or vaginitis or vulva or vulvitis. And in men, dysuria may be due to inflammation of the prostate or prostatitis or the urethra or urethritis from gonorrhea or chlamydia.

Causes and Symptoms
A patient suffering from dysuria may always feel the urge to urinate, but may not be able to get satisfaction from the act of urination. The feeling of relief which comes to a healthy person is missing in a patient suffering from dysuria.

The four main causes of dysuria according to Allopathy can be mentioned as cystitis or inflammation of the bladder, inflammation of the urethra, venereal diseases like gonorrheal, and, sometimes, an enlarged prostrate gland. Excessive amount of acid present in the urine also seems to produce the feeling of pain in the process of its excretion from the system.

Ayurveda recognizes eight types of dysuria. Out of them three caused by the vitiation of the different doshas of the body, one caused by the vitiation of all the three doshas, one caused by the failure of the system in ejecting the waste matter, and the others by the presence of stones in the bladder.

The cardinal symptoms of dysuria as described above can be mentioned as scanty urine, pain during the act of urination, pain in the penis in men, and in women in the lower abdomen, urine mixed with blood, feeling of heaviness in the renal region and the scrotum, and the ever-present urge to pass urine.

If dysuria is caused by the presence of stones in the kidney or the bladder, it is of vata origin, because the vitiation of vayu leads to the accumulation of biochemical substances around the nucleus of urinary salts, which take the shape of stones.

Medicines and Prescriptions
Pashanabheda or Bergenia ligulata is the drug of choice for the treatment of stones in the kidney or the bladder, because unless that condition is treated, dysuria caused by it cannot be relieved. One teaspoonful of the powdered root of this drug is given thrice daily. A decoction of the drug may also be given in 50 ml doses, thrice daily. Decoction of the bark of the varuna i.e. Cretiva religiosa tree is also useful in dealing with this condition. In case urine is obstructed by a stone in the urinary tract, Gokshuradi Guggulu is the drug of choice. But the most important drug used for this condition is Shilajit, followed by the compound preparation Chandraprabha Vati. Other prescriptions for painful or scanty urine can be named as follows:

Eladi Churna, Shweta Parpati, Yavakshara: 1 gm each of Eladi Churna and Shweta Parpati, and half gm of Yavakshara to be taken four times daily with decoction of Pashanabhedada.

Mutrakrichhakantaka Rasa, Shweta Parpati: 240 mg of Mutrakrichhakantaka Rasa and 2 gm of Shweta Parpati to be taken with Amritadi Quath six times daily.

If dysuria is due to vitiation of pitta or kapha, the following drugs should be administered:

Trinetra Rasa, Chandrakala Rasa, Sheetala Parpati: 240 mg each of Trinetra Rasa and Chandrakala Rasa, and 2 gm of Sheetala Parpati to be taken thrice daily with Trinapanchamula Quath.

Khasoraka Yoga, Varundya Lauha, Powder of Cardamom Seeds: 240 mg of Khasoraka Yoga, and 500 mg each of Varundya Lauha and powder of cardamom seeds to be taken thrice daily with honey.

Mutrakrichhanlaka Rasa Varitara Lauha Bhasma: 240 mg of Mulrakrichhantaka Rasa and 120 mg of Varitara Lauha Bhasma to be taken thrice daily with honey.

Shalajita, Powder of Cardamom Seeds: 500 mg each of Shalajita and powder of cardamom seeds to be taken thrice daily with honey.

In case there is discharge of blood with the urine, the following prescription is the best:

Rasa Sindura, Honey or Trikantakadya Ghrita: 120 mg of Rasa Sindura and 10 gm of honey or Trikantakadya Ghrila to be taken thrice daily.

Home Remedies: In addition to the medicines, fomentation of the renal region with a hot water bag is indicated in most cases of dysuria. The affected area may also be coated with the following substances. Droppings of mice mascerated with water, ear wax of a buffalo, equal quantities of potassium nitrate and pulp of root of banana tree.

Ayurveda has given the name mutrakrichha, and allopathy has given the name as dysuria, to diseases of the kidneys whose cardinal symptom is mainly mentioned as difficulty or pain during the act of urination. Most of the diseases of the kidneys, known variously as Bright`s disease, nephritis, albuminuria, formation of stones in the kidneys or the urinary tract, in which the chief symptom is dysuria, can be cured through the use of treatment mentioned above. Only in the case of venereal diseases like gonorrhoea, which also exhibit the symptoms of dysuria, is the treatment different. In case of obstruction of urine caused by gonorrhoea, the physician should first treat that malady before any relief from painful urination can be expected.

Diet and Other Regimen
The patient suffering from dysuria should be advised to refrain from eating beans and pulses. The white variety of pumpkin and gourds are useful for this condition. Green vegetables like spinach, tomatoes, and ladies fingers should be avoided.

The patient should be asked to give up a sedentary lifestyle and take regular walks. Constipation should be avoided through a proper diet, but if it occurs, mild laxatives should be used. The intake of liquids, particularly water, should be increased.

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