Dwadasha Mukhi Rudraksha is a bead having 12 lines originating from top to bottom and is very much similar in its effects as the Ek Mukhi one. It governs the effects of Sun and gives victory and success in the entire endeavour undertaken in life. It is a divine incarnation Lord Vishnu and is rarely found.
As per Padma Purana a wearer of this Rudraksha can free himself from the fear of fire and diseases. The bead is helpful in obtaining the influential and powerful positions to its wearer. This bead not only boosts up the personality to new heights of confidence, strength and charisma, but it also provides protection against evils and perils. This rudraksha governs heart disease, lung disease, skin diseases, hiatus of stomach, esophagus and bowel problems.
Wearer of Dwadasha Mukhi Rudraksha
Dwadasha Mukhi Rudraksha should be worn by all those persons who want to become happy and prosperous and also by those who are engaged in gaining authority and power like administrators, businessmen politicians and senior professionals.
Mantras of Dwadasha Mukhi Rudraksha
"Om Namah Shivay", this mantra can be used for all Rudraksha. Any of the following Mantras can be used for Dwadasha Mukhi Rudraksha:
•"Om Kroam Kshoam Roam Namah" - Shiva Mahapuran
•"Om Hreem" - Padma Puran
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