Durga Ganapati is regarded as the saviour. It is one of the thirty two forms of Lord Ganesha. He is depicted with golden red complexion and is adorned with red garments. This form of the Hindu deity has eight arms and carries several objects in his hands, such as, rudraksha or prayer beads, a bow, an arrow, His own broken tusk, a noose, an elephant goad, a rose apple fruit, a flag. Other depictions of the deity show Him carrying a spear, a conch shell, a blue berry, an ankusha and other items.
The Durga Ganapati form of Lord Ganesha protects His worshippers from evils. It is believed that praying and worshipping to this form helps in abolishing sorrows. He is also venerated for removing hindrances during journeys. The devotees of Lord Ganesha worship the Lord by reciting the Durga Ganapati Mantra. It is mentioned below-
Taptakanchana Sangkaashah Chashtahasto Mahattanuh
Diptankusha Sharam Chaksham Dantam Dakshe Vahan Karaih
Vaame Paasham Karmukam Cha Latam Jamboom Dadhata Karaih
Raktamshukah Sada Bhooyat Durga Ganapatirmude.
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