The word Dhadi came from the word dhad i.e. tambourine.

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Dhadi, Indian Folk ArtDhadi is something folk art where wandering minstrels of rural Punjab recite heroic poems and even family history in verse. Individual Dhadis are usually attached to their specific castes or clans belonging to the same caste. The Muslims among them are repositories of Sufi music and sing Sufiana Kalam i.e. spiritual verse during their nightly performances. At special festivals they become charismatic, larger-than-life personae, delivering the Sufi kissas i.e. narratives of Hir-Ranjha i.e. `Hir and Ranjha`, Sassi-Punnu i.e. `Sassi and Punnu`, Sohni-Mahiwal i.e. `Sohni and Mahiwal` with their rich range of musical instruments.

The legendary singing of Dhadis has passed into darkness now. Most seniors are left wondering how to arrange for their next meal or next show. They willingly sing any song as long as they can survive in present-day consumerist society. An occasional Sangeet Natak Akademi performance helps them to retain their connection with their traditional status. The rest of the year they are hired either by political parties or construction companies. The younger generation of Dhadis has gone seeking greener pastures in more paying professions.

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