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Development Of Homeopathy
Development of Homeopathy has aided in answering the chronic ailments in much cost effective way.

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Development Of HomeopathyDevelopment of Homeopathy began by the hands of famous philanthropist practitioners. Homeopathy was born as an experimental discipline, as can be seen from the tremendous amount of homeopathic data collected over more than two centuries. However, the medical tradition of homeopathy has been separated from that of conventional science for a long time.

Homoeopathy came to India as early as 1810 when a French traveller, Dr. John Martin Honigberger who learnt Homoeopathy from Dr. Samuel Hahnemann visited India and treated patients with Homoeopathy. In his second visit in the year 1839, he treated the then ruler of Punjab, Maharaja Ranjit Singh with Dulcamara. After that Maharaja was so happy with results and he encouraged him to continue the Homoeopathic treatment in India. Homoeopathy continued to spread and Indians found in its philosophy and principles, a reflection of their belief and culture. The ancient Hindu physicians had, in fact recognized the "Law of Similars" as one of the principles of treatment.

Homeopathy continued to spread and by the beginning of 20th century most of the important cities in India had Homoeopathic dispensaries. The popularity of the system led to a mushroom growth of doctors practicing Homoeopathy. Seeing this wretched state of affairs, efforts were made by the Government of India and in 1948, a Homoeopathic Enquiry Committee was set up to evolve a suitable arrangement to regulate teaching and practice of Homoeopathy. The Government of India and the recommendations of these committees led to passing of a Central Act in 1973 for recognition of this system of medicine appointed a Homoeopathic Advisory Committee in 1952. Homoeopathy now has been accepted as one of the National Systems of Medicine in India.

In 1951 several significant developments had taken place with regard to homeopathy. In this year the homeopathy societies were formed. In 1954, Sri Lanka`s First Private Homeopathic Hospital had been established. This was a 10-bed hospital. There is also evidence to show that some leading homeopaths from India had been got down to conduct lectures.

In today`s world homeopathy has step forward to cure some dreaded diseases like cancer and Human immunodeficiency virus infection / acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS). Where allopathic treatment also has no answer, homeopathy is doing its venture and in many cases it has become successful. Chickenpox is also another kind of disease the victim of whose is also cured by homeopathy.

The recent development is homeopathic software, which is known as "Hompath Classic" 8.0. Hompath has more than 10000 users across 70 countries. Hompath is a result of the long years of effort put in by a team of Homoeopaths and technical professionals. The Classic version 8.0 is chiefly a product for the practicing classical Homoeopath. It contains more than 300 books covering a wide range of Homoeopathic subjects spread across 1lakh pages. It has an easy and user-friendly interface. Key features of Classic 8.0 include `Quik Repertorisation`, `Intelligent Search`, `Advanced search options`, `Confirmation of symptom`, `Quick Search`, `Creation of Custom repertories`, `Group symptoms` and many more. In India also there are many homeopathic practitioners who use this software for the treatment of the masses. Dr. Jugal Kishore, Dr. D.P. Rastogi, Dr. Kishore Mehta, Dr. Farokh Master are some of them.

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