The aborigines of India are called Dasyus by the first Aryan settlers.

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Dasyus is a name, which the first Aryan settlers of India gave to the aborigines of the country. The term Dasyus can often be found in the Rig Veda. In the Rig Veda, the Dasyus are often described as enemies to be slain.

Dasyus are often referred as demons of different orders, or goblins in the Rig Veda. But, they are actually the barbarous aboriginal tribes of India. But the term Dasyus is used in the Aitareya Brahamana and in the Mahabharata for men and not for demons.

Dasyus are also defined as a class of superhuman beings, who are maliciously disposed both to gods and men and are overcome by Lord Indra and Agni in particular. The word Dasyus is a designation of hostile, wicked, or barbarous men. The term Dasyu simply means enemy.

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