Dash Mukhi Rudraksha represents Lord Vishnu. Dash Mukhi Rudraksha controls all the nine planets. It is very effective for success in administrative and legal functions. Dash Mukhi is also a rare bead and is available in round and oval shape. This rudraksha does not govern any planet, but it provides with a feeling of security to the one wearing it. It is widely believed that the rudraksha safeguards against evil. Dash Mukhi also pacifies Nava grahas, and saves one from any malefic effects of the nine planets. This Rudraksha is best suited to those who are doing business, owners of multiple companies, political leaders, directors, legal consultant, etc and who are always taking risks. Dash Mukhi Rudraksha is blessed by Yamraj, the god of death and the Dashdigpal, the controller and guardian of 10 directions.
Wearer of Dash Mukhi Rudraksha
Dash Mukhi Rudraksha gives good nature, wealth, prosperity to the wearer. Worn by all those persons having short temperament and easily get affected by evil eye or black magic. Also who were so nervous, shy and wishes to get correct director for their life. The wearer gets eternal peace since there is perfect harmony between all the planets. It is good for mental peace and to remove all problems without any difficulty.
Mantras of Dash Mukhi Rudraksha
"Om Namah Shivay", this mantra can be used for all Rudraksha. Any of the following Mantras can be used for Dash Mukhi Rudraksha:
•"Om Hreem Namah Namah" - Shiva Mahapuran
•"Om Ksheem" - Padma Puran
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