Corridor is a popular Indian comic and graphic novel created by Sarnath Banerjee and published and distributed by the Penguin Group in the year 2004. Sarnath Banerjee is both the writer and illustrator of the graphic novel. Corridor is set in modern Delhi and the main characters include Jehangir Rangoonwalla, Brighu, Digital Dutta and Shintu. The story of Corridor deals with Jehangir Rangoonwalla, a shop owner in Delhi who interrelates with his customers and other inhabitants of the city.
Concept of Corridor
Jehangir Rangoonwalla is an enlightened distributor of tea, second-hand books and wisdom in the heart of the city of Delhi. Some of his recurring customers include Digital Dutta, a person who lives habitually inside his head, split between Karl Marx and an H-1B visa; Brighu, a postmodern Ibn Batuta searching for obscure collectibles and love; and Shintu a newly-married who is hunting for the most effective aphrodisiac in the by-lanes of old Delhi. The story of Corridor, set mostly in the corridors of Connaught Place and Kolkata, concentrates on the isolation and disjointed reality of modern urban life through an inventive alchemy of panels, dialogues, effects and graphic artwork.
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