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Concept of Shakti
Concept of Shakti is the root idea of Hindu goddesses. She is described as the force that energizes all divine or human works.

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Concept of Shakti is the invisible force by which all things are sustained. Shakti is the Prakriti of the Samkhya and the Pradhana of the Puranas. In the Harivamsa great stress is laid on the fact that this Energy, as personified in Devi that dwells on the entire universe. Shakti is exclusively a feminine principle. It is synonymous with great Devi. She is omnipresent in Hindu society through her different forms. Shakti is seen as an antecedent to Prakriti, with Shakti being the instrumental cause and Prakriti serving as the material cause.

The idea of Prakriti is seen mirrored in another closely allied with that of the concept of Divine Consort. In Hinduism Shakti cannot exist in a vacuum. Almost every god has a feminine consort. Shakti is interdependent with the entire universe. Shakti manifests energy that creates the universe. The idea of Shakti is prominent in Tantra, Hinduism and Buddhism, esoteric tradition of ritual and yoga known for elaborate use of mantra, or symbolic. The term is often used to refer to the spiritual partner. Shakti is manifested as the ability of all natural forces. Within the concept of Shakti there is a profound and spiritual philosophy of liberation of women. The principle of Shakti has the ability to bring about a spiritual renewal in every individual. Shakti is responsible for the kinetic movement of all things. All physical creation would be considered as impotent without the principle of Shakti.

The concept of Shakti is a force that is capable to affect human culture politically, socially, and at the deepest level of consciousness.

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