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Chimanlal Amtharam Naik
Chimanlal Amtharam Naik is a Bhavai actor from Brahmanwada

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Chimanlal Amtharam Naik is a Bhavai actor. He was born in Mahesana district in 1925. His family was of traditional singers. He trained under the Bhavai gurus Vaikuntharam Narbheram Naik and Pitamber Das. Leading his own troupe since the 1950s, he started playing the heroine`s part a few years later and specialized in female impersonation. This was the most difficult aspect of Bhavai. His best achievements are in the characters of the legendary female leads Jasma Odan and Tejan Vaniyal. He was a master of Bhavai songs, music, and dance, such as the Garba, he is adept at different rasas, dialects, make-up, and the history of the genre.

He often conducted Bhavai workshops in educational institutions, including the National School of Drama, and toured extensively throughout India. For several years he was associated with Darpana Academy, accompanying them on a trip to France. He also acted in Ketan Mehta`s acclaimed film Bhavni Bhavai or `Bhavai of Life` in 1980 and in television serials.

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