Chaturdash Mukhi Rudraksha is a bead having 14 lines originating from top to bottom. This Rudraksha is blessed by Lord Shiva himself. It is believed that the Chaturdash Mukhi Rudraksha is produced from the 3rd eye of Lord Shiva which is known as the controller of "Ajna Chakra". The third eye of Lord Shiva also helps the people to take correct decision.
Chaturdash Mukhi Rudraksha is an extremely rare and costly rudraksha that demands utmost care and attention. It governs the effects of planet Saturn. This Rudraksha helps in removing obstacles from life to emerge victorious as an achiever. Chaturdash Mukhi rudraksha increases the 6th sense or intuitive power manifolds to the person wearing it. The possessor of the rudraksha can obtain supreme form of clairvoyance and spiritual enlightenment (Moksha). The rudraksha is named as "Deva Mani" meaning the most divine bead.
Wearer of Chaturdash Mukhi Rudraksha
Chaturdash Mukhi Rudraksha is worn by all those persons who are involved in share trading or any speculative business. Also helpful for professionals engaged in human resource management and people who are in import and export business can carry their job effectively by proper judgment.
Mantras of Chaturdash Mukhi Rudraksha
"Om Namah Shivay", this mantra can be used for all Rudraksha. Any of the following Mantras can be used for Chaturdash Mukhi Rudraksha:
•"Om Namah" - Shiva Mahapuran
•"Om Nraam" - Padma Puran
•"Om Dum Maam Namah" - Skanda Puran
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