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Camphor Oil
Camphor oil is used for medicinal purposes in China, Japan and India as it is loaded with various benefits.

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Camphor OilCamphor oil is balancing oil which is used for medicinal purposes in China, Japan and India. Camphor increases prana, opens up senses and brings clarity to the mind, eases headache and awakens perception. It acts as expectorant, decongestant, stimulant, antispasmodic, bronchodilator, nervine, analgesic, and antiseptic. It strongly affects respiratory and nervous system. Camphor mixes well with Rosemary oil, Eucalyptus oil, Frankincense oil, Juniper oil and Wintergreen oil.

The word camphor derives from the French word camphre. In Hindi, it is known as Corpora or Kapoor and in Sanskrit known as karpura. It is a waxy, white or transparent solid with a strong aromatic odour. Camphor`s aroma is usually clean, fresh, and very sharp due to which it is widely used in aromatherapy. Camphor is traditionally obtained by chopping the wood of a Camphor Laurel that is at least 50 years of age.

Benefits of Camphor Oil
Camphor Oil *
•It is used in massage oil, compress, salve, inhalation diffuser, and lotions. *
•Used for medicinal purpose in case of bronchitis, asthma, hysteria, nervous related diseases, rheumatism etc. *
•Camphor increases prana, opens up senses and brings clarity to the mind, eases headache and awakens perception. *
•It is a good stimulant and counter-irritant for joint and muscle pain. *
•It acts as an expectorant and a febrifuge, meaning that it cools fevers and helps clear lung congestion. *
•It can be used in the treatment of nervous depression. *
•White camphor oil is a very good therapeutic treatment for controlling thinning, fragile, and breaking hair. *
•Camphor oil is recommended for use by the sportsperson as it is effective in the treatment of muscle aches.

Caution about Camphor Oil
•Camphor should be used only in low dosage (3-5 drops per 0z. of vegetable oil); otherwise it can prove to be pretty harmful. *
•If Camphor is used in excess, it acts as a narcotic poison. *
•Avoid use of camphor oil in cases of epilepsy, asthma, or at the time of pregnancy. *
•It is also advisable not to use camphor oil directly to the face or inside the nostrils of asthmatic patients or small children, as this may cause convulsions and asphyxia.

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