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Bulbous Eruptions or Visphotaka Jwara
Ayurveda states that bulbous eruptions are due to the vitiation of the pitta and the blood.

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Bulbous Eruptions or Visphotaka JwaraThis is the one, which accompanies eruptions, particularly bulbous eruptions. Bulbous eruptions have been treated by the author of the Bhaishajaratnava as a sign of smallpox, but Sushruta differentiated between the two, calling the former a minor disease as well.

Causes and Symptoms: Ayurveda states that bulbous eruptions are due to the vitiation of the pitta and the blood. Sushruta categorized these eruptions into seven classes. As for example three caused by vitiation of any of the three doshas of the body; three caused by the interaction of the doshas, and one caused by the vitiation of all the three doshas together.

Medicines & Prescriptions: Chandanadi Lauha should be given 240 mg, along with 120 mg each of Shuddha Gandhaka and Pravala Pishti, should be taken thrice daily with candy or mishri.

Diet and Other Regimen: No diet restrictions are necessary and a normal diet is advised. However, hard-to-digest foods should be avoided. Purgatives should also be avoided.

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