Bookworm Children`s Library is a library which is meant for children and it is based close to Panaji or Panjim city in the state of Goa, outside the region of Taleigao. Children of various ages and capabilities throng the library to imbibe knowledge in different disciplines and also participate in reading and other activities. This library also organizes workshops for parents and children, besides organizing pre-school programmes, needlecraft groups, art programs for adults and so on. This library is existent close to St. Michael`s Church in Taleigao. The profits incurred by Bookworm Publishing assist the library work in communities and schools.
History of Bookworm Children`s Library
The library was established by Sujata Noronha and Elaine Mendonsa in the year 2005 and they had aimed to develop a library to encourage the children to start reading more and more books to improve their general knowledge. The library was also made to motivate these children of Goa to be educated literates. The earliest Goa Children`s Book Fest was organized at Jardin Garcia da Orta in the area of Panaji in Goa during the year 2012.
Projects of Bookworm Children`s Library
Bookworm Children`s Library is actively associated with several other activities which consist of lending books to organizations that assist Mobile Outreach Programme and children. This is done by the Book Treasury. This opportunity is only extended to children who cannot afford books. Yet another activity is practised by this library known as `Cholta Cholta` and under this scheme, walking tours are arranged for children by the Bookworm Children`s Library.
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