Birth Chart in Horoscope, also known as an "Astrology Chart" or "Natal Chart", is an astrological chart which shows the position of the Sun, the Moon and other planets at the exact time of a person"s birth at a particular place on earth. At the date of birth, time and place, there is specific astronomical pattern in the heavens or sky. This sky model is recorded from a distinct geographical point. Thus, the documentation of planet-earth-sky pattern at the time of a person"s birth is known as "Birth Chart". It is sim¬ply a map of the zodiac for his or her birth time.
Diagram of Horoscope
It is a diagram of the zodiac of the moment when a person was born. Every horoscope is divided into twelve parts. Each of the twelve segments in a horoscope repre¬sents one of the Houses of Astrology. The lines are known as the Cusps of the houses. A cusp is the point at which a house begins. The houses of a horoscope always follow the same pattern. The First House begins at the "9 O"clock" position and then go anticlockwise around the wheel of the horoscope.
Creating of Birth Chart
Casting a complete and accurate horoscope is a highly technical skill. To draw an accurate birth chart, one has to know his date of birth, exact time of birth and also the place of birth. Accurate birth date, time and place are an important factor for creating of a Birth Chart as it helps to generate accurate chart.
Function of Birth Chart
A birth chart is a horoscope for the moment of birth of an individual. It provides a roadmap to understand an individual"s personality. It provides information about his or her physical appearance and health, the way they come across when people first meet them, as well as their spontaneous behaviour and reactions. A birth chart gives a detailed analysis of an individual"s temperament and character, based on the exact positions of the planets and other important astrological signifiers. On the chart, planets and their signs, house divisions and ascendant or rising sign is indicated. The planets represent twelve different signs. Every planet has specific facets and also rules over various aspects of the birth chart. The Sun and the Moon always own one house each. Additionally, every planet rules over two houses based on their longitudinal intersection with the cusp.
Birth Chart in Horoscope is the apparent part of one"s personality, unlike their Sun sign, which indicates their deeper part, more authentic and less accessible.