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Bio-magnetics and Magnetic Effects
The Bio-magnetics and magnetic effects of magnets on animals and human beings.

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Bio-magnetics and Magnetic EffectsThe modern scientific view facilitates verification through proper experimentation. The experimentation does not involve only one time study of a phenomenon. It is done in different laboratories under different circumstances by different researchers. Again, the laboratory experiments are extended to ailing patients in clinics. The conclusion expected is that, every qualified man or woman should be able to duplicate the actual results at any time and location.

Countless experiments with magnets have been carried out on plants, bacteria, virus, etc., to ascertain their biological effects. One can also carry out some simple experiments in the home or laboratory or clinic to discern the effectiveness of Bio-magnetism (the biological effects of magnets). Bio-magnetism offers much evidence to prove the claims made regarding its efficacy in health and disease.

Several breakthrough experiments in physical, biological and medical fields have been carried out in the USSR, where the physicists work with engineers, pharmacology`s, chemists and physicians to unravel the facts concerning bio-magnetism. Similarly, several research institutes and research foundations in the USA and Japan have conducted planned research on many important aspects of bio-magnetism. All of these have a vital bearing on magnetic healing.

Several scientists in Japan, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, France, Scandinavia and some places in India and Australia are engaged in active research in this area. As a result, growing number of technical reports are pouring in daily. These studies reveal new bio-magnetic phenomena and also confirm the already existing findings of the researchers on Bio-magnetism. The different effects of magnets can be divided into physical, chemical, biological and purely medical experiments.

Physical and Chemical Effects of Magnetism
It was the use of magnets in the engineering field, which paved way for its extension to the biological and medical fields. It began with a chance discovery when the Russian scientists were confronted with a peculiar and insolvable engineering problem. The boiler feed water pipes carrying the water and the automobile radiators slowly got clogged with the dissolved salts. This resulted in the reduction of their thermal efficiency. In order to increase the lumen of the pipes and the capacity of the radiators, these salts had to be scrubbed off periodically.

The added workload and increased operational cost towards extra consumption of the fuel and lubricants became a matter of concern. Similar problem was confronted by the oil industry, which helplessly watched the deposits of salts in the oil pipes. In order to reach a solution, successful experiments were conducted where; the magnets were employed for dissolution of salts. Almost instinctively, they placed the pipes and the radiators in strong magnetic fields. The reverse process of dissolution of the salts began, which considerably narrowed their burden.

This single and significant discovery of the physical property of the magnets proved to have far-reaching consequences in the medical field where the physicians faced a similar problem of deposition of cholesterol and calcium on the walls of arteries. Arteries are the vessels carrying blood from the heart. The same logic was applied and hypothesis indeed worked in reality. In today`s times, Magnetized water proves to be one of the most effective tools against blood-pressure.

The above experiments led to the conclusion that a magnet brought about some useful changes in fluids. So, the studies were diverted towards the direct effects of magnets on the properties of water and other fluids. A marked change in various characteristics like temperature, density, viscosity, pH, surface tension and electrical conductivity was found considerably.

The magnets were found to cast some favourable effects on properties of water. Some of them were:
* Water acquires more potency
* Conducts magnetism effectively
* Is capable of improved flow, be it in the pipes or the blood vessels.
* The magnetism also favourably affects the sedimentation rate of suspended particles.

The property of electric conductivity is of considerable importance not only in metals and liquids, but also in a number of other substances. Interestingly, the living tissue possesses semiconductor conduction properties. Along with that, sufficient evidence has now been accumulated to show that when a living organism of any species comes into being, the bioelectric phenomenon sets in, which continues until death.

Many scientists consider electrical conductivity an inherent characteristic of vital energy. This is the reason why many scientists are experimenting and establishing the close relation between the phenomenon and human Body. This is where profound physical and chemical effects of magnetism come into play.

Biological Effects of Magnetism:
All possible biological materials like seeds, plants, animals, bacteria, virus, cancer cells, fruits and vegetables, liquors and other fluids such as milk and birds and insects have been the objective of extensive research on Bio magnetism.

The results have again and again established the influence of Magnets in several biological processes. They aid in improving the shelf life of fruits and vegetables by beneficially affecting their enzymatic activity, degeneration of malignant cells and favourably influencing several other biological phenomena. In some or the other degree, all living organisms are affected by magnetism. No living tissue is magnet-proof.

Effects on Animal Life:
The experiments were extended in the higher domain of animal life in order to obtain representative samples. These experiments were significant to evaluate the therapeutic properties of the magnet. Different experiments were conducted to ascertain the effect of magnetic fields on the longevity of different animals. Mice when exposed to the magnetic fields of about 3 to 4 kilogauss daily showed slowing down of the process of aging. In fact, the normal life span of about three years in mice was almost increased by half with the help of the above process. Scientists experimentally doubled the life of the test on houseflies by prolonged feeding with magnetized sugar. Interestingly, experiments on human volunteers brought a hope of longevity possibly upto 400 years through treatment with suitable power of magnetic fields. The observations and the optimism are based on the biochemical changes that occur in the human organism as a result of the exposure to magnetic fields.

The magnet has finally generated the possibility of an answer to the intriguing problem of aging. The favourable biochemical changes brought about by the magnet are closely related to similar effects obtained by other scientists on extraction of the juvenile hormone from the silk-worms as it almost stopped the process of aging in the caterpillars. The subject of experimentation with mice and the intensive studies on the effect of magnets on benign and malignant tumours assumes considerable significance. Several scientists have carried out experiments with different poles of magnets and emerged with a positive assertion that cancer cannot exist in a magnetic field.

The experiment with this outcome of verification was conducted in which white mice were implanted with cancer cells and were allowed to grow. When the manifestations were seen, experiments were conducted by the application of the two poles, separately. With the application of the north pole of the magnet, it was found that the cancerous tumours gradually minimized in size and later disappeared entirely. The exact opposite effect was noticed when the South Pole was applied. The tumours increased rapidly, thereby killing the mice. This opens a new way of treatment. In a foresighted and interesting experiment, the Russians exposed cows to magnetism daily for a certain period and found to their astonishment that they yielded more milk than the normal cows. The magnet thus helps enhance the mammary secretion among mammals.

Effects of Bio Magnetism on Human Beings
Experiments with human volunteers have been conducted to discover the effect of magnetic fields on their body systems. Scientists have also left no stone unturned to detect any ill effects of such exposure.

The Japanese have principally concentrated on the effects of magnets on blood pressure, stiff-shoulders, constipation, and fatigue in both the sexes and preservation of beauty and charm in women. They have been convinced to an extent that a number of companies in Japan are exclusively manufacturing various magnetic articles like bands for blood pressure; bed-pads against constipation, fatigue and dullness; necklaces for women in order to maintain young, freshness and charm; and belts against stiffness and pain in the lumbar region.

The deliberations of one of the bio magnetic symposia held in Japan published in the form of an abstract volume elicit the importance and efficacy of the magnetic bands in relieving stiff shoulders and blood pressure. Though the magnetic tools employed did not yield an immediate or 100% results, still a majority of patients showed remarkable improvement, enough to set magnetic therapy as a mainstream therapy in Japan.

Clinical researches obtained exceptional results in relieving arthritis, pains and muscular fatigue in sports players. Most of the athletes out of the 86 cases showed, marked relief in the symptoms. The experiments were carried out with pairs of permanent magnets used for other healing purposes.

The Russian scientists experimented with magnetized water on dissolution of kidney stones and gall-bladder stones in human beings. The sure results obtained by them in the painful affliction have led to the introduction of magnetized water in many Leningrad clinics where the unfortunate sufferers flock to undergo this simple and promising treatment. The magnetized water helps them in washing out the morbid salts and stones from their bodies.

Utilizing the affinity of Magnets towards Iron, Scientists in the UK have recently found a simple method of separating red blood cells from blood plasma and other blood cells. This has considerable medical implications and has replaced the earlier tedious method of separation of the Red Blood Cells (RBC).

The red blood cells show great affinity towards magnets as they contain about four percent iron in their composition. The notion that a magnet can attract only metallic iron can be broadened by including the property of iron in the ionic form towards magnet. The method of separation of the RBCs comprises the use of a special steel wool filter (fine magnetized wire) over which the entire blood is passed. Standard magnetic field of 17.5 kilogauss was used. The greater paramagnetic susceptibility of the red blood cells helps them to settle down, while the blood plasma and other blood components freely pass over.

This discovery of the effects of magnetism on human blood has paved the way for greater application of this potent tool in therapeutics.

Apart from this, numerous biological experiments have been carried out throughout the world, which give further parameters and proofs of magnetic effects in our body.

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