Bilhana is known for the eulogy Vikramanadevacharita. His love poem was orally transmitted throughout India. According to a legend Bilhana fell in love with the daughter of King Madanabhirama, Princess Yaminipurnatilaka and had a mysterious love affair. This was revealed and Bilhana was imprisoned. He wrote Chaura-panchasika while the judgement was pending. It is a fifty stanza poem on love. There are several versions to it but the Kashmiri version does not specify about the ultimate result.
He had served as a Vidyapati or the master of the sciences in the court of Vikramaditya VI, Chalukya king of Kalyana (1076-1127). His immediate ancestors were Muktikala‡a, Rajakala‡a and Jyesthakala‡a, his father. They were Brahmins and the students of Veda, who performed the Vedic Agnihotra sacrifice. His mother was Nagadevi; his brothers were Istarama and Ananda.
Bilhana penned a eulogy of the Western Chalukyan king Vikramaditya VI titled Vikramankadevacharita. The Vikramanadevacharita is an application of the normal method for making an epic to a historical theme. It begins with the usual application to create a hero for the world`s safety. This imaginary origin for the family is followed by a long break in the tradition that is passed to Tailapa whose victory over the Rashtrakutas is recorded. The last canto is interesting as it gives an account of Bilhana`s own family and his life as a nomadic Pandit.
Bilhana writes in the Vidarbha style and avoids long compounds. He uses a simple and clear language and avoids overdo alliterations or pun. The manner in which he has described the death of Ahavamalla in Canto iv shows his masterpiece. It is a fine example of simple pathos and the decorum and bravery of the dying king are effectively portrayed.
Bilhana`s diction is accurate though there are occasional lapses. He is metrically simple. The six cantos are of Indra Vajra type, three of Van‡astha, two of €loka and Rathoddhata; one in Mandakranta, one in Puspitagra, and one in Svagata. The svagata is used freely by him. €ardulavikrldita and Vasantatilaka; Malini is occasional, and Aupacchandasika, Prithvi, €ikharini, Sragdhara and Harini are used, while Vaitaliya dominates the fifteenth canto.