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Bengal Native Foot Artillery
Bengal Native Foot Artillery unit was a former artillery regiment under the British Army in India. It was a sub-division of the Bengal Artillery.

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The Bengal Native Foot Artillery unit was a former artillery regiment under the British Army in India. The regiment was a part of the Bengal Army till the year 1895. The armed force of Bengal Presidency was one of the Presidency Armies in British India. The Bengal Native Foot Artillery was a sub-division of the Bengal Artillery. The unit was headquartered in the province of Bengal in east India. The unit was also a part of the Bengal Command.

The Bengal Native Foot Artillery regiment was formed in the year 1777 with three battalions and each battalion consisted of eight companies. However the unit was dissolved in 1779. Later it was reformed and five companies were raised from 1780 to 1782. The regiment was expanded further and fifteen more companies were formed from the year 1806 to 1818. Three more companies of the Bengal Native Foot Artillery were raised in 1824.

In the year 1827, two battalions were developed from sixteen companies of the native artillery regiment. The regiment took part in a number of military campaigns under the British East India Company. Later two battalions consisting of ten companies were raised in 1842 and three battalions of six companies were formed in 1845. After the Sepoy Mutiny, also known as Great Revolt in 1857, most of the units of the Bengal Army were dissolved because of the involvement of the troops in the rebellion. The regiment of the Bengal Native Foot Artillery disbanded in the year 1861.

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