Benefits of Opal have had an immense impact on the people across the country and around the world. This gemstone has attained its name from three sources. One is the Greek work "Opalliois" that means change of colour, second is the Latin word "Opalus" and the thirdly from Sanskrit word "Upala" that means precious stone. The colour of this gemstone comes in varied colour forms.
The quality of the Opal is actually judged by the number of colours exhibited and from the evenness of the patterns. Out of all the colours that are available, Black Opal is highly regarded and sought after gemstone. Apart from the colour black, which is indeed popular and extensively used, there are other colours as well like white that displays brilliant flashes of various colours.
A person who has Opal, as his birthstone possesses a humanitarian and gentle personality. His personality is actually filled with vibrant colour and beauty, and enjoys the company of like minded people. Such people are hard core optimists and loathe pessimistic people. This stone is useful for healing digestion problems. It also helps the wearer in finding happiness, love and good fortune.
During the medieval times, the Opal gemstone was considered to cure various diseases related to the eye. It was also considered beneficial for red corpuscle, blood related disorders, depressions, laziness and apathy.
The black Opal is useful for treating and healing reproductive organs, pancreas and spleen. It filters red corpuscles and aids white corpuscles, depression, and bone marrow. The white Opal is beneficial for balancing the right and left-brain hemispheres for neuro stability; stimulates white corpuscles.
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