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Benefits of Mud Therapy
Mud Therapy has many beneficial effects on skin as well as body.

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Benefits of Mud TherapyMud Therapy is a naturopathy that has many beneficial effects in treating diseases, ailments and skin problems. It is also used as the beauty product now a days. The Mud Therapy is used to cure diseases like osteoarthritis, periarthritis, back and joint aches and pains where there is no inflammation.

Beauty Benefits of Mud Therapy
Mud Therapy has beneficial effect for skin due to following reasons:
•It retains water for longer time even more than cold water pack.
•Mud restores proper balance of skin pH.
•The cold moistures in mud relax the pores of skin and helps in blood circulation in the surface area.
•Mud Therapy helps in acne repair and prevention.
•The scrubbing effect of mud leaves the skin smooth and rejuvenated.
•Mud also has an anti-inflammatory effect, so it is great for healing wounds and scars.
•Mud has anti-aging effect.
•It regenerates healthy skin.
•Mud has detoxifying and toning effect on skin.
•Skin feels lighter after mud therapy.
•Mud has exfoliating action. It eliminates dead skin and refines skin structure.
•It helps to reduce spots and patches of skin, especially those formed after pox.

Health Benefits of Mud Therapy
Benefits of Mud TherapyBesides skin, Mud Therapy also has beneficial effects on body and various diseases, mainly problems related to pain, such as:
•It invigorates the body.
•It reduces back aches.
•It reduces muscle aches.
•Mud therapy relieves the body from stress related problem.
•Relieves internal congestion and pain.
•It helps in natural hormone balancing of body.
•It eliminates the body toxins.
•It provides relaxation to the eyes.

Mud Therapy helps to cure various diseases like:
•It cures allergy, psoriasis and many other skin diseases, even leprosy.
•It reduces the irritation of eyes, hence useful in the case of conjunctivitis, itching of the eyes, allergic conditions and haemorrhage in the eyeball.
•Mud Therapy is useful in cases of errors of refraction like short-sightedness, long-sightedness and especially in case of glaucoma.
•General weakness and nervous disorders are also cured by Mud Therapy.
Stomach trouble, kidney disorders can be removed.
•Mud Therapy can cure gout, rheumatism, arthritis, asthma, broncho-pneumonia, diabetes etc.
•Mud pack applied onto the lower abdomen helps to improve the digestion. This practice proves to be effectual in decreasing intestinal heat and at the same time stimulates peristalsis movement of the intestines.
•Mud pack applied onto the abdomen works as a wonderful natural stimulant for constipated bowels.
•Mud therapy is also an asset for headache, especially associated with hot and humid external environment.
•Mud packs may be prepared and applied onto the abdomen as well as forehead to get considerable relief from fever.

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