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Barpeta`s Bhortal Nritya
Barpeta`s Bhortal Nritya was developed by Narahari Burha Bbakat. Bhortal Nritya of Barpeta district is said to have derived the name from the classical dance of the Assam state.

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Barpeta`s Bhortal Nritya, Assamese DanceBarpeta`s Bhortal Nritya is one of the most popular dances performed in the Assam state of India. People who belong to all age group and cultural background enjoy this dance. Generally, it is performed during the festival season like Bihu and is staged in and around the district of Barpeta. This dance reflects the rich cultural heritage of the Indian state of Assam.

Origin of Barpeta`s Bhortal Nritya
This traditional dance is said to have extended from the Sankari culture. The dance is known to have developed by a well-known Satriya artist named Narahari Burha Bbakat. It has its origins in classical arts.

Performance of Barpeta`s Bhortal Nritya
Barpeta`s Bhortal Nritya is basically performed in a group. Six or seven dancers present the Bhortal dance of Assam. It can be performed in larger groups also. It is performed to a very fast beat called "7hiya Nom". The dancers use cymbals while performing this dance. The use of cymbals makes the dance presentation appear more colourful. The dance movements are such that they can produce some colourful patterns. However, the fast beats and the colourful presentation makes it a universal one.

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