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Baranda Festival of Kharia Tribe
Baranda Festival of Kharia Tribe, performed at the clan level, is celebrated in the month of Baisakh (April-May). The spirit Bhaiyad bhut or clan spirit is worshipped on this occasion.

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The Kharia Tribe, mainly divided into three sections viz; the Hill Kharia, the Dhelki Kharia and the Dudh Kharia, practise several sacred performances that highlight their cultural traditions and rituals that have been passed down through generations. Baranda Puja, an important festival of the Kharia Tribe, is performed at the clan level in the presence of all the clan members. The puja is generally celebrated in the month of Baisakh (April-May). The spirit, Bhaiyad bhut or clan spirit worshipped on this occasion is represented by a sculptured wooden post. The Kharia of Sisai area however, name it as Bar-pahari or the `great mountain` as they believe it to be a hill spirit which was originally associated with hills, the ancient home of each clan.

Baranda Festival is celebrated occasionally by a Kharia family to appease the rage of Baranda spirit as it is believed that the annoyance of a Baranda spirit with a particular person results into disfiguring of his face, neck, leg or any part the body. It is usually the neck that gets affected. The man wishing to offer sacrifice to this spirit has to request for the services of the head of his clan. In case a family has to repeat the puja after a generation, it needs to alter the sacrificial animal. For example, if a red cock has been sacrificed during the first propitiation ceremony then in the next occasion a pig, black sheep or buffalo should be sacrificed. Presently, buffalo sacrifices have been restricted.

Performance of Baranda Festival
Baranda Festival is usually celebrated in an up-land (tanr) in front of a Bhuru (an ant hill) in the western side of the settlement. On the day fixed for the celebrations a Sakhua stick is gathered and at three spots its bark is removed.

The stick is then fixed before an anthill, on an open land which a copper coin is placed marked by turmeric paste. A handful of rice is placed before the Baranda deity. It is followed by the sacrifice of an animal and its blood is sprinkled over the ant hill. During the performance of the festival the following mantra is

"Hai la Amga Konot Berada Maha Baranda Gam tanam Ante Molae sone, Gajaling Dhalson taraling Ganti Khil, Te Karaite ring Amga, Barsot Deota Nekem Amga Kharia Baranda".

The mantra recited by the Kharia means:

"You are regarded as younger Baranda as well as the elder Baranda. I had promised to offer you meat prepared with better spices and frying in the oil five times and I am offering this. You are mighty than all other spirits and I am sure that you are this spirit".

The meat is then cooked by the Kharias for the preparation of meat which is later consumed by everybody present there. The sacred head who performs the ritual, cooks the head and heart of the sacrificed animal. He boils the rice in a new earthen pot which is consumed by the male clan members present there. The cook also consumes five morsels of boiled rice and water. At the end, water is sprinkled over the sacred winnowing fan and it is allowed to spill over in the fire. A typical sound produced is believed to be the Baranda spirit. Arwa rice, turmeric paste and a copper coin are wrapped in a Sakhua leaf and tied to the Sakhua stick representing the spirit. Upon retuning home the Kharias engage in dancing, singing and merry making.

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