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Baikho Festival
Baikho is a festival celebrated by the Rabha tribe during the spring season. This is done in order to please the Goddess of wealth ‘Baikho’.

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Baikho Festival, AssamBaikho festival is one of the colourful traditional festivals organized in the Assam state of India. Also known as `Khoksi Puja`, this spring festival is mainly celebrated by the Rabha tribe. This ancient festival is organized even now but the pomp and fervour has reduced.

Celebration of Baikho Festival
Baikho is the ritualistic as well as religious festival. All the villagers take part joyfully in the celebration. During the celebration of Baikho festival, Goddess `Baikho` is worshipped. The worship is celebrated with great preparation. It is believed that the Goddess of wealth `Baikho` would be pleased if she is worshipped during this time. It is also believed that the worship will bring plenty of crops, abundant rains and good health.

At the time of worship, the deity is propitiated with much suitable offerings like pigs and fowls. A song known as "hoimaru chay" is also recited. The song vividly reflects the purpose of the worship. Feasting and drinking of rice beer is common at such festival. The festival lasts for three or seven days.

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