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Bahuti Waterfall
Bahuti Waterfall is the tallest waterfall of Madhya Pradesh.

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Bahuti Waterfall, RewaBahuti Waterfall is a waterfall in Rewa district of Madhya Pradesh. Being 142 m high, it is the highest waterfall in Madhya Pradesh. It is on the river Sellar as it rushes down the edge of the Valley of Mauganj to join the Bihad River, which is a tributary of Tamsa or Tons River. It has a height of 198 metres (650 ft). Bahuti Waterfall is a perfect picnic spot.

Bahuti Falls are usually explored by nature lovers, trekkers and educationalists. The scenic beauty of this place is amazing.

Visiting Information of Bahuti Waterfall
To reach Bahuti Waterfall, the nearest rail head is Satna. However, it is preferable to travel by road, as the frequency of rail service to the area is quite low.

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