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The popular soap `Ayushmaan` which used to be aired on Sony Television is a story based on child prodigy.

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AyushmaanThe popular soap Ayushman that used to broadcast on Sony Television was the story of a teenager whose carefree adolescence is pitted against the responsibilities that his medical profession demands from him but later the same also leads heart-rending conflicts. It is in fact a story based on child prodigy who becomes a qualified doctor at the age of 17.

The shower of blessings of his parents actually give him the optimistic outlook to life and also give him the strength which will help him to keep treading in his chosen path. Being a practicing doctor also, Ayushman remains a teenager at heart and everything turns topsy-turvy when Cupid strikes him at heart. He happens to fall in love with a lady doctor who is much senior to him and once again makes a tough struggle to strike a balance between his professional and personal life.

In trying to fit in with his peers and gain acceptance he paid no attention to academics and intentionally just managed to scrape through school and college. The dean of a renowned hospital, Dr.Reema Seth recognizes his talent and forces him to acknowledge and accept his strengths. From here begins his journey of self-realization and he becomes the youngest qualified doctor. `Ayushmaan` comprised of a brilliant star cast.

The show indeed started off with a lot of promise as it dealt with the life of child geniuses. It also showed in details how most of the child geniuses in the Indian subcontinent go through rejection because they end up doing something different from the common mass. All was going fine till the time when the real protagonist of the serial Ayushmaan falls in love with the girl called Tani.

Hence after the story lost its original track. Moving from Tani to Sonya to Kavya the whole soap in the later stages became the chronicle of his love life. Looking at Ayushmaan`s life in the later stages one would be bound to think that serving in the noble profession of doctor is just a child`s game. Then the character of Ayushmaan`s brother Bodhi who was first shown as the mentally retarded turns up to be the existing villain. The show turned out to be extremely disappointing in the later stages. The story would have regained its initial position if the medical profession had shown with all its encounters. Audiences expect such shows at frequent intervals so that it will provide us with a getaway with the monotonous `sanns-bahu` flicks.

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