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Ayurvedic Massage for Headache
Ayurvedic massage for headaches in scalp, neck and forehead is very effective.

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Ayurvedic Massage for Headache, Ayurvedic MassageAyurvedic Massaging on forehead and head on headache yields a cooling effect. It helps in proper blood circulation and calms down the aggressive mood. Any kind of oil can be used but coconut oil is suitable for ayurvedic massage in scalp, neck and forehead.

There are three important points on the head. During Ayurvedic massaging, these spots are carefully massaged. They are:

1. The first is "Brahmarandhra", a soft part which is present at the birth time as the interior fontanel, which gradually gets hard.
2. The second is the "Shikha", a spot where hairs at the top of the head turns in the form of the whirl either clockwise or anticlockwise.
3. The last point is where the neck meets the skull, a place known as "Brain Stem" or "Medulla Oblongata".

Headache is the commonest problem experienced by everybody. There are many reasons responsible for the trigger of headache. Stress, anxiety and tension are the main reasons for headache. It is very common that when things go against ones expectation then the tension occur which ultimately leads to headache. Other pathological conditions like poor eyesight, vascular headache, migraine etc are also the reasons of headache.

Steps of Ayurvedic Massage for Headache

•The person treated is allowed to sit on the chair in a comfortable posture in a silent environment.
•Then the masseur pours the oil on the person"s head.
•The oil is poured at the first spot or "Brahmarandhra" and then slowly spread over the whole scalp.
•Now the oil is massaged in the circular movement all over the scalp.
•Now the stroke comes to the second point "Shikha", where the massage gets harder with some gentle strokes. Here also the massage is done with clockwise rotation.
•Finally when the third spot is reached hands grip firmly the neck from the backside.
Fingers hold the sides of the neck and thumbs remain at the center of the back of the neck.
•With the oil, thumbs are rubbed from the center of the neck to the top of the ears on each side.
•When the massage is done on the scalp, it is started on the forehead. The gentle taps on all over the scalp along with "Namaskar" posture of the hands ends the process.

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Ayurvedic Massage

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