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Ayurvedic Diet for Autumn
Ayurvedic diet for autumn includes sweet, slight bitter and light foods. Ayurveda recommends that during the autumn season oily foods can be consumed.

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Ayurvedic Diet for AutumnAyurvedic diet for autumn or Sharad ritu should comprise of sweet, slight bitter and light foods. Sharad ritu is a period of transition from pitta dosha to vata dosha. Pitta dosha is the physiological functioning, which governs transformation and metabolism. Vata dosha has an aggravating influence on the mind and body. Therefore, it is the season to calm both pitta and vata.

Food of Ayurvedic Diet
During this season, one should take plenty of sunlight to avoid mood swings that come during the winter season. Also people should opt for nourishing foods as autumn is a season of deficiency and change. In Ayurveda, nourishing foods means ojas building foods. Ojas building foods include of root vegetables such as carrots and beets and hard winter squash like pumpkins and butternut squash that keep people healthy and fit. Some of the fruits and vegetables that can be consumed during autumn are as follows:

Carrot: Consumption of carrot during autumn ensures various benefits like it improves vision, prevents cancer and makes the skin glowing.

Apple: Apple is considered as the sweet gift of autumn. This nutrition enriched fruit fights colds, viruses and cancer. The nutrients in apples can also prevent spikes in blood sugar and reduce the risk of many diseases.

Winter squash: Including winter squash in the Ayurvedic diet is a good idea as it contains much more beta-carotene and more of several B vitamins than summer squash. It has rich flavour and is high in nutrients.

Cabbage: Cabbage is enriched with fibre, vitamin K and C and has cholesterol-lowering benefits.

Pomegranate: The health benefits of this fruit are extremely helpful during autumn and winter. It is a good source of Vitamin C and rich source of soluble and insoluble dietary fibres. Pomegranate is especially good for women as it can act as a natural hormonal regulator.

In terms of meat, the flesh of rabbit and fishes living in spring water can be consumed during autumn. These two food items are nutritious for the mind and body during this season. Grains like barley, ragi and wheat can be eaten. Oily food can also be consumed like animals with oily flesh. It is the time to reduce weight and tone the body because one can exercise during this season without getting worked up. Lukewarm beverages can be taken throughout the day. In the evening, one can consume tea made with cumin seeds. Before going to bed it is better to consume hot milk with few threads of saffron.

Food to Avoid During Autumn
In this season, curds and fermented foods should be avoided. Foods, which are alkaline in nature like radish, salts, drumsticks and ginger, are not to be consumed. Vegetables like tomato, brinjals, ladies finger, chillies should also be avoided. Beverages containing sour fruits should also not be taken.

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