The skin loses its capacity to retain moisture with the advancement of age. Thus skin loses the oiliness and gradually becomes dry. The extreme climatic condition also enhances the dryness of the skin.
According to Ayurveda the skin type is determined by the predominant doshas in the skin among the three types of doshas. When Vata dosha is domimant in the skin it determines that the type of the skin will be dry, thin, delicate and cold to touch. When Vata dosha is imbalanced in the body, the skin becomes rough, scaly and wrinkled.
Dry skin types have many problems, like- development of wrinkles at the early age, scaly, cracked and rough skin, aged looks dull and lifeless appearance. Dry skins are more prone to fungal infection and dry eczema.
Ayurvada has many solutions to prevent dry skin problems. It advises to prevent further drying of the skin by protecting the moisture content of the skin. Cold food, deep-fried food, dry food and the foods that are not much fresh should be avoided. Fresh warm food with little fat like ghee or olive oil should be consumed. Further drying of skin and losing the skin moisture should be checked. Sour and salty foods should be included in the diet. Sweet juicy fruits or fruit juice are especially helpful in case of dry skin. Eight hours of sleep is much necessary in case of dry skin problems. Plenty of waters should be drunk (at least 7-9 glasses everyday) but cold water should be avoided as it aggravates vata dosha.
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