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Astrology and Health for Taurus
Astrology and Health for Taurus is a prediction of their health with solutions to help break the shackles of health issues from life.

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Astrology and Health for Taurus Astrology and Health for Taurus focuses on the health issues with good pieces of suggestions about necessary measures one should take for their physical and mental wellbeing. It is a prediction of their health with recommendations about yoga, meditation and other remedies to help break the shackles of health chaos in their life.

Part of Body Ruled By Taurus
The sign of Taurus rules the throat and neck, which includes the vocal cords, palate and tonsils. Generally, Taureans have long, expressive necks and women of this sign have lovely skin around the throat and collar-bone area. Both sexes are known for their melodious speaking voices, and many are fine singers.

Astrology and Health for TaurusTaurus also rules the thyroid gland, which can cause serious weight problems if it is malfunctioning. In addition, Taurus"s ruling planet Venus has an effect on the para-thyroids, which control the calcium level in the body. Traditionally, Venus also rules the throat, kidneys and lumbar region.

Health Issues for Taurus
Taureans are particularly vulnerable to colds, coughs, sore throats, laryngitis, swollen glands, stiff necks and minor injuries around the neck. Taurus people are subject to tonsillitis and earaches. When they get physically tired or over-tense, Taureans tend to get coughs and stiff necks. They may suffer from puffy eyes and jowls, and their faces are apt to get heavier as time goes by. Being ruled by Venus, Taurus people sometimes suffer from back strain, especially because they tend to be sedentary.

Diet and Health Tips for Taurus
A diet low in starch, fat and sugar is particularly important to Taureans because they tend to become bulgy. They are likely to eat fattening foods, to be sluggish and indolent, and to dislike exercise. Moderate exercise and good diet should be a strict discipline in every Taurean"s life.

Taurus"s cell salt is sulphate of sodium, a mineral that controls the amount of water in the system. It is present in the liver, the pancreas and the hormones of the kidneys. An imbalance of this mineral in the body can cause bloating, symptoms of congestion around the thyroid gland and a feeling of being waterlogged. Foods that contain this mineral that Taureans need are asparagus, beets, spinach, horseradish, cauliflower, cucumber, onions, pumpkin, cranberries and raw nuts. Celery can help them to clear their systems after overindulgence. Carbohydrates have a way of turning into fat in a Taureans body and should be avoided, along with heavy, rich foods. To keep the thyroid functioning at its best, Taureans should eat food with natural iodine, such as fish and seafood. Other foods that keep Taureans healthy are eggs, kidney beans, wheat germ, fresh fruit and green salads. They should drink plenty of water to keep their systems flushed out.

Amorous Zones of Taurus
The throat and neck is Taurus"s sensitive area. A simple massage on these areas will thoroughly relax Taurus.

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