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Astrology and Health for Sagittarius
Astrology and Health for Sagittarius helps to find out what the planets have to predict regarding ones health.

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Astrology and Health for SagittariusAstrology and Health for Sagittarius is useful that offers a detailed preview of one"s health, disease and possibility of encountering any harmful malady in any given phase of life. This prediction uncovers a host of factors responsible to affect an individual"s health in a certain way. With a minimum amount of care, they enjoy long and healthy lives.

Part of Body Ruled by Sagittarius
The sign of Sagittarius rules the hips, thighs and liver. In human anatomy the hips and thighs represent locomotion and volition, and it should not be surprising that most Sagittarians are active people who love freedom, fresh air, sunshine and outdoors. Physical activity is a must; they will stagnate and become ill if they don"t get enough exercise.

Both men and women tend to have long, well-shaped legs. They have a tendency to put on weight as they get older. In Sagittarian women the weight unfortunately seems to settle on the hips and thighs.

Sagittarius"s ruling planet Jupiter governs the liver. Sagittarians tend to have an active, sensitive liver that instantly suffers from overuse of alcohol.

Astrology and Health for SagittariusHealth Issues for Sagittarius
Sagittarians are likely to incur injuries and ailments of the hips and thighs. The upper legs are the first part of the body to tire and weaken when Sagittarians are under strain. They often have chronic aches in the hips and thighs, and are very susceptible to fractures, sprains and bruising in these areas. They are vulnerable to sciatica, gout, hip disease and sometimes lameness. Injuries to the hips and thighs are common among people born under this sign. They are also susceptible to hepatitis.

Diet and Health Tips for Sagittarius
Proper diet is important for Sagittarians. A poor diet heavy in fats, starches and alcohol places an extra burden on Sagittarius"s sensitive liver and makes it harder for them to sustain a high energy level.

Sagittarius"s cell salt is silica, which strengthens the nervous system, keeps the connective brain tissue healthy, and prevents numbness in fingers, legs and feet. Deficiency of this mineral result in lank hair, dull skin, sores and receding of the gums. Best sources for the silica that Sagittarians need are the skins of fruits and vegetables, raw salads, green peppers, figs, prunes, strawberries, pears, apples, potatoes, oats, the husks of grains, whole-grain cereals and egg yolk. Foods that particularly do not agree with Sagittarius are fats, gravies, cream, butter, candy and chocolate.

Sagittarius people need constant mental stimulation, which can lead them to overwork and overplay. More than most people, Sagittarians have to have recreation and exercise, but moderation is the keyword. They should avoid the blistering effects of sun and wind, for their skin is apt to be quite thin and tender.

In general, Sagittarians are healthy and optimistic, recuperate quickly from illness, and keep their good looks and sparkling smiles well into old age.

Amorous Zones of Sagittarius
The hips and thighs are the amorous areas for Sagittarians. Both male and female enjoy soft massage along the inside of the thighs and around the hips with warm body oil. Use circular motions on the hips and vertical strokes on the thighs.

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